
RIFT – the Gates to Telara Open on March 01, 2011

January 14, 2011

Might not be related to Second Life, but with so much hype around the game, it only made sense to share it here. Rift is a MMORPG by Trion Worlds.

The game is based on the concept of sealing rifts that appear all over the world of Telara. Sealing the Rifts is a quest in itself given the multiple stages gamers have to go through in order to completely close the rifts. Unlike Second Life, the game offers 4 classes with abilities to set them up with. Incase you’re interested in learning more about the game, details could be found at Rift Guide.


Second Life Guide

April 4, 2010

I recently came across an ad for a Second Life guide that offered to provide some decent advice on making some additional Linden Dollars. While I am usually not too big on the whole business aspects of Second Life, the idea of having a cash-making guide seemed enticing.

Given that the promised pay-off was quite significant (I chatted with the author over msn), I decided to give it a shot.

While the ad for the guide seemed a little outdated, I was pleasantly surprised to find some up to date advice in the guide. There’s a broad range of covered topics, aiming at providing Second Lifers of all orientations with opportunities. I figured that I might get bored with too many “business” aspects in the guide, but as it turns out it was actually written quite down to earth, focusing on the average person looking to get some extra income.

I am still busy working my way through the guide, but what I found so far seems to make the purchase worthwhile already. I can safely state that the guide book already saved me quite a few hours and I’m only half-way through. If you want to give it a shot, this is the guide.


Combat Cards at Kat’s Spaceport

February 7, 2009

Postcard from Second Life.

Originally uploaded by Vivian Oblivion

Kat Burger hosted a fun event at 6pm today – and will be repeating it on Saturdays in the future. Offering cash prizes, the first tournament for new and seasoned players drew a small crowd, but is off to a very good start. Kat has Combat Cards arenas and her own excellent tournament boards set up at Spaceport, as well as many other games, and she offers gamers many hours of fun and good company.


ZOMG! Real Life Combat Cards!

January 14, 2009

ZOMG! Real Life cards!

US shop – Sporkadelic shop-o-mania with Os.
UK shop – Be waited on hand and foot by Doc.

And – real-life cards can be acquired inside Second Life, too.

For 3500l you get both a real life set AND a set of virtual cards: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Europa/101/138/56

Press Release

Of interest to editors and journalists covering: games, technology,
business and culture

Virtual Strategy Card Game Moves From Second Life To Real Life

This week Second Life residents Doc Boffin and Osprey Therian released
a real life edition of their original strategy card game Combat Cards,
a game that previously existed only in the virtual world of Second
Life. In doing so, Combat Cards became the first original game build
in Second Life to become a real life physical game.

Real life card games based on virtual worlds like World Of Warcraft
and Eve Online have existed before, however these games have been
created or licensed by the companies who create and operate the
virtual worlds. Because the virtual items in Second Life are owned by
the the people who create them, Boffin and Therian were able to build
a card game within Second Life featuring avatars and locations in
Second Life and then release that game in the real world: the
community created virtual world now has a novel community created
strategy card game.

Combat Cards has been in development since early 2006 when Boffin and
Therian met in Second Life. Not only did the virtual world provide a
fertile environment for the pair to rapidly prototype, test, iterate
and develop the game with help from a community of enthusiastic fellow
residents, the profits from the sales of the virtual game in Second
Life completely covered all of the production costs of the real life
edition. Situated on both sides of the Atlantic, Boffin and Therian
have never met in real life.


ZOMG Combat Cards in Real Life!

December 23, 2008

profilepic.jpgBy Osprey Therian
undead-xmas-party08 You are cordially invited to the Combat Cards Undead Christmas Party! Undead attire encouraged but not required. Prizes, fighting, and – best of all – we are rolling out Combat Cards 2.0 with a new free-and-modifiable series of arenas. AND real life cards!

Real life Combat Cards are now available and can be purchased at http://us.shop.combatcards.co.uk (US customers) and http://uk.shop.combatcards.co.uk (UK customers) You can also buy a set of real life Combat Cards in world for 3500L$ which will give you a 15US$ value gift certificate code to use at http://us.shop.combatcards.co.uk or http://uk.shop.combatcards.co.uk and a full set of Second Life Combat Cards. Currently real life Combat Cards can only be delivered to domestic US or UK addresses.


Image Metrics Tech Demo

August 20, 2008

profilepic.jpgBy Osprey Therian

This should shake things up.



July 29, 2008

profilepic.jpgBy Osprey Therian
“Monthly Experimental Games” it says on the Kloonigames blog, and there are those – but this fellow is also the creator of Crayon Physics, an as-yet unreleased game where your drawings turn physical to address little puzzles.

Current little downloadable game: Jimmy’s Lost His Toilet Paper.


July 8, 2008

profilepic.jpgBy Osprey Therian

Part 1 of a four part machinima I made archiving the 2007 The Show Must go On! variety show which performed around the grid (which the 2008 show is doing now).  Yes, yes, it’s shameful of me since it’s my own troupe of players, but it’s fun and what we all need is more fun.  Now that we are in the Age of Pragmatists silliness might be hard to come by.


Post your favorite game

May 30, 2008

Freebies are always something to look forward to in SL. SL freebies need not always come from within the world. Let us know your favorite SL game or business by leaving your comments here for a chance to get hold of 1 out of the 5 available Second Life Guides by Killer Guides.

Post your comments between 1 June 2008 to 15 June 2008. Five winners will be picked at random on 16 June 2008.

The Second Life Linden Dollars guide covers topics ranging from how to play and win events and games like Quintzee and Tringo to using third party software for crafting. Event ideas, business opportunities and free scripts are also included. The guide comprises of many ‘how tos’ as well as open ideas making it suitable for new and advance players.

Killer Guides have guides for many online games.Their guides are keep-up-to date with changes in the game and the updates made available to existing customers free of charge. The Second Life Guide is available at their online shop for $29.99.

Don’t forget to leave your email address in the comments so we can contact you.

Happy writing!!


The Graveyard

May 22, 2008

profilepic.jpgBy Osprey Therian

Ceci n’est pas une pipe

This isn’t a game. It’s an art piece in the format of a game.

The Graveyard from Tale of Tales
Certainly not to everyone’s taste, this very short “game” will engage those whose gaze extends beyond the ordinary.


Tresure Hunt

May 16, 2008

Treasure hunting it is! If you ever get tired of fast-paced games on the grid, you could always slow down with Starfish Treasure Hunt. The latest event is going to be held on May 18, 2008. You could always regard it as checking in on your luck by seeing if you can snatch any freebies from the hunt if not as a game. Starfishes loaded with prizes, will be scattered all around and between islands. Go to http://secondlife.com/events/event.php?id=1480090&date=1211099400 for the event details.

And if you start having a soft spot for treasure hunting, there’s also the Scavenger Hunt. In 2007, the hunt was held for a community cause (http://www.themsfly.org/). The Second Life events portal, http://secondlife.com/events/, has most events covered. You can check up on the next Scavenger Hunt there. All in all, you could have fun, win some prize and even contribute to the health community.

Try it out and go get em’ starfishes!



May 12, 2008

If you’re looking for some action, try skydiving! There’s Abbott’s Aerodrome with many freefall shops to begin with. Ofcourse there are many other places to try out this thrill which you can easily look up. In a world free from gravity, flying and floating about is a common thing. Skydiving is the way to go if you want to experience even more reality within the world. You would uncontrollably plummet down like with real skydiving and anticipate your safe landing. This is one sport that you cannot get bored of. Vist http://www.cubeyterra.com/skydiving to see avatars with the most jumps and best average. Events are also held for this exciting sport. You could check up on skydiving events at http://secondlife.com/events. You could also get cheap gear for your first trial from some events. The most recent one lets you get basic chutes for only $1.


Bitstream Boogie Live at the Juke Joint

April 15, 2008

profilepic.jpgBy Osprey Therian

Komuso Tokugawa /Japan and Hathead Rickenbacker /Canada perform live on this machinima. The Second Life music scene is vibrant and varied, ranging from traditional to ZOMGWTF!11!!1.


Adult Themed Game For Clubs

April 11, 2008


Mob Mentality, a new adult themed game designed to be placed in Second Life Clubs and Strip Clubs, is now available! The game offers fun and sexy game play designed to enhance a club goers experience and create a more social environment as players interact while playing.

Zaplok Riggles, the games developer, had this to say: “I designed the game from the ground up to work well in an adult club environment. The questions are sexy and sure to get people talking. The game uses a HUD so there is no annoying chat spam and means the game can be played anywhere in the club while dancing, chatting, etc. I work closely with my game owners keeping the game fresh with new questions and free updates. We also have an innovative pricing structure to allow any club to quickly begin earning money with the game with zero upfront costs.”

For more information on the game, visit the game’s web page: http://www.mobmentality.com/mobmentality You can also send an IM to Zaplok Riggles to setup an in-game demonstration.

Pictures after the jump. Read the rest of this entry »


Grand Opening of Motorability Island

March 26, 2008

profilepic.jpgBy Osprey Therian

Grand Opening of UnitedSpinal.org Car Culture
Motorability Island


Motorability’s press release for the 29th March event says:

Fashion, Cars and Avatars event in Second Life
to Raise Awareness About SCI/D

Cars! A passion, a hobby, and a culture. It all comes together for Second Life residents on Motorability Island in Second Life. United Spinal Association’s 7-sim Motorability Island, formerly Pontiac’s Motorati Island, is set for its grand opening on Saturday the 29th of March – however it’s open to the public now. Fashion Cars and Avatars is the theme for the event.
Read the rest of this entry »